Traditional pipe repairs usually meant days of digging up long trenches in order to locate the source of the problem, even if it was just a relatively small pipe. Your yard would inevitably be destroyed and you'll have to put it back together when the repairs are complete. Suffice to say, it's costly and unfortunate way to spend your time and money. To avoid these problems, our team at Lining & Coating Solutions offer more reliable and affordable solutions.

As pipes age, they can often become offset or misaligned due to the shifts in the surrounding soil. The wastewater from a misaligned pipe can leak out of the pipe to the point where it erodes the ground around it, and, if left untreated, the pipe could eventually collapse. For many business owners in Charleston, the primary concern with sewer repairs is their budget, as well as worrying about the negative impacts of long periods of downtime and repairs on their employees and customers. The good news is that this doesn’t have to be the case. At Lining Coating Solutions, we offer trenchless solutions that can save you significant amounts of time and money. Trenchless Pipe Repairs Trenchless pipe lining is a solution that creates a new pipeline without the collateral damage of digging a trench. Our technicians use a pipe cleanout as an entry point to insert a pipe liner soaked with epoxy resin into the damaged pipe. We will then inflate the tube so that the resin coats the original pipe, and as it dries, the pipe seals off leaks and hardens into a sturdy, seamless new pipe that will last for decades and resist misalignment. Our trenchless lining method can...

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